Zeige Ergebnisse 736 - 784 von 1049
Hofhansl A, Voracek M, Vitouch O. Reaktion auf partnerschaftliche Untreue-Szenarien: Der Einfluss von soziodemografischen Faktoren und Geschlecht: Eine Meta-Analyse. 2007. Beitrag in 9. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Wien, Österreich.
Scharnowski F, Weiskopf N, Sitaram R, Josephs O, Veit R, Goebel R et al. Real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging: methods and applications. Magnetic resonance imaging. 2007;25(6):989-1003. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2007.02.007
Voracek M. Regional intelligence and suicide rate: New data for Australia and a synthesis of research. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2007;(105):191-196.
Voracek M, Dressler S, Manning JT. Repeatability and interobserver error of digit ratio (2D:4D) measurements made by experts. American Journal of Human Biology. 2007;19:142-146.
Voracek M, Fisher ML, Lucas D, Fessler D. Sex differences in relative foot length and perceived attractiveness of female feet: Relationships among anthropometry, physique, and preference ratings. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2007;(104):1123-1138.
Voracek M. Social ecology of intelligence and suicide in the United States revisited. 2007. doi: 10.31234/
Voracek M. Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue: National IQ and the integration of cognitive-ability research [commentary]. European Journal of Personality. 2007;(21):757-759.
Voracek M. State IQ and suicide rates in the United States. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2007;(105):102-106.
Voracek M, Sonneck G. Surname study of suicide in Austria: Differences in regional suicide rates correspond to the genetic structure of the population. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift: The Central European Journal of Medicine. 2007;119:355-360.
Voracek M, Loibl L. Testing the Finno-Ugrian Suicide Hypothesis: Replication and refinement with regional suicide data from Eastern Europe. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2007;(104):985-994.
Voracek M, Loibl L, Sonneck G. The Beliefs in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale (BIRFSS): Further results on demographic correlates, dimensionality, reliability, and validity. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. 2007;(55):279-296.
Schmitt DP, Allik J, McCrae RR, Benet-Martinez V, Voracek M. The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2007;38:173-212.
Voracek M. The nexus of suicide prevalence, helping behavior, pace of life, affluence, and intelligence: Contrary results from comparisons across nations and within the United States. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2007;(105):1119-1126.
Voracek M, Pavlovic S. The tell-tale hand: The relationship of 2D:4D to perceived attractiveness, sex typicality, and other attributes of palms. Journal of Individual Differences. 2007;(28):88-97.
Haubner T, Voracek M. Twin-singleton differences in intelligence: A meta-analysis. 2007. Beitrag in 9. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Wien, Österreich.
Offenmüller D, Oeckher M, Voracek M. What’s in a face? Relations of digit ratios (2D:4D and other) to facial asymmetry, proportions, shape, attractiveness, and other perceptional attributes. 2007. Beitrag in 9. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Wien, Österreich.
Voracek M. Ancestry, genes, and suicide: A test of the Finno-Ugrian Suicide Hypothesis in the United States. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;103(2):543-550.
Voracek M. Complications after zygoma fracture fixation: Is there a difference between biodegradable materials and how do they compare with titanium osteosynthesis? Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology. 2006;(101):419-425.
Voracek M, Ertl C, Reimer B, Dressler S. Digit ratio (2D:4D) and sporting performance: Research overview and new data from fencing and military pentathlon. 2006. Beitrag in 7. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Voracek M, Reimer B, Ertl C, Dressler S. Digit ratio (2D:4D), lateral preferences, and performance in fencing. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;(103):427-446.
Voracek M. Educational attainment, intelligence, interstate migration, and suicide rates in the United States: Rejoinder to Abel and Kruger (2005). Psychological Reports. 2006;(98):608-610.
Voracek M. Exponential fitting of suicide rate and national intelligence estimates. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;(102):896-898.
Voracek M. High (feminized) digit ratio (2D:4D) in Danish men: A question of measurement method? Human Reproduction. 2006;21(5):1329-1331. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dei464
Voracek M, Fisher ML, Rekkas PV. "I find you to be very attractive . . ." - Biases in compliance estimates to sexual offers. Psicothema. 2006;(18):384-391.
Voracek M, Klug C, Berzaczy D, Reinbacher H, Rath T, Millesi W et al. Influence of previous radiotherapy on free tissue transfer in the head and neck region: Evaluation of 455 cases. The Laryngoscope. 2006;(116):1162-1167.
Voracek M, Dressler S. Lack of correlation between digit ratio (2D:4D) and Baron-Cohen's "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test, empathy, systemising, and autism-spectrum quotients in a general population sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 2006;41:1481-1491.
Voracek M, Sonneck G. Medical and psychology students' disbelief in the inheritance of risk factors for suicide. Psychological Reports. 2006;(99):599-602.
Voracek M. Of mice and men - Cross-species digit ratio (2D:4D) research: Comment on Bailey, Wahlsten and Hurd (2005) [1]. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 2006;5(3):299-302. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-183x.2006.00217.x
Voracek M. Phlogiston, fluid intelligence, and the Lynn-Flynn effect. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: an international journal of current research and theory with open peer commentary. 2006;29(2):142-143.
Voracek M. Population genetical musings on suicidal behavior as a common, harmful, heritable mental disorder [commissioned commentary]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: an international journal of current research and theory with open peer commentary. 2006;29(4):423-424.
Tran U, Salzer-Muhar U, Male C, Greber-Platzer S. Predictors of spontaneous closure of isolated secundum atrial septal defect in children: A longitudinal study. Pediatrics (English Edition). 2006;118(4):1560-1565.
Voracek M. Re: "Childhood cognitive performance and risk of mortality: A prospective cohort study of gifted individuals" [5]. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2006;163(12):1161-1162. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwj191
Voracek M. Regional intelligence and suicide rate in Denmark. Psychological Reports. 2006;(98):671-674.
Voracek M. Regional intelligence and suicide rate in Germany. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;(103):639-642.
Voracek M. Regional intelligence and suicide rate in Germany revisited. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;(103):639-642.
Voracek M. Sex and side differences in relative thumb length [1]. Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume). 2006;31(2):326-327.
Voracek M. Smart and suicidal? The social ecology of intelligence and suicide in Austria. Death Studies: counseling - research - education - care - ethics. 2006;(30):471-485.
Voracek M. Social ecology of intelligence and suicide in the United States. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;(102):767-775.
Voracek M, Fisher ML. Success is all in the measures: Androgenousness, curvaceousness, and starring frequencies in adult media actresses. Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal. 2006;35(3):297-304.
Voracek M. Suicide in Austrian children and young adolescents aged 14 and younger. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: official journal of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2006;15:427-434.
Voracek M. Suicide rate and national scores on the Big Five personality factors. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;102:609-610.
Voracek M, Formann A. The Miandad effect reconsidered: Analysis of Pakistan’s cricket performance 1952 to 2005. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2006;102:323-326.
Voracek M. The relations of digit ratio (2D:4D) to biologically based, sex-typed personality and temperament traits: Research overview and new evidence from 12 studies. 2006. Beitrag in 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie 2006, Nürnberg, Deutschland.
Fisher ML, Voracek M. The shape of beauty: Determinants of female physical attractiveness. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2006;5(2):190-194. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2006.00249.x
Stieger S, Hergovich A, Voracek M. Zur Verfälschbarkeit (Fakeability) von Implicit Association Test (IAT) und Single-Attribute Implicite Association Test (SA-IAT). in Bender D, Lösel F, Hrsg., 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Pabst Science Publishers. 2006
Hönekopp J, Voracek M, Manning JT. 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D:4D) and number of sex partners: Evidence for effects of prenatal testosterone in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006;31:30-37.
Adeyemo WL, Voracek M, Turhani D. An evaluation of the clinical application of three different biodegradable osteosynthesis materials for the fixation of zygomatic fractures. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology. 2005;100(6):656-660. doi: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2005.03.024
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